Altra 4TUL Ultra race
Virtual Event

Upload your run

Please select the section you want to upload

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 One go

Please enter your Racematix registration ID and select your GPX file and photos to be uploaded.
You can find your registration ID at the bottom of your confirmation email from Racematix.
The file must be in GPX format. You can get it from your GPS device (Garmin, Suunto, etc...) or mobile apps like Strava.
Each photo must be in JPEG or PNG format and less than 2 Mb.


Once uploaded, the status will be updated here. Please do not submit the same run / file twice.

All Results
Leaderboard - Altra 4TUL VR - Section 1
Rank Gender Rank BIB Name Gender Category Start time End time Elapsed time Avg speed
Leaderboard - Altra 4TUL VR - Section 2
Rank Gender Rank BIB Name Gender Category Start time End time Elapsed time Avg speed
Leaderboard - Altra 4TUL VR - Section 3
Rank Gender Rank BIB Name Gender Category Start time End time Elapsed time Avg speed
Leaderboard - Altra 4TUL VR - Section 4
Rank Gender Rank BIB Name Gender Category Start time End time Elapsed time Avg speed
Leaderboard - Altra 4TUL VR - 4 in a row
Rank Gender Rank BIB Name Gender Start time End time Elapsed time Nb section Avg speed
Leaderboard - Altra 4TUL VR - One go
Rank Gender Rank BIB Name Gender Category Start time End time Elapsed time Avg speed
Leaderboard - Altra 4TUL VR - Relay
Rank Cat. Rank Category Team BIB Name Gender Section Time Start time End time Elapsed time Nb section
Please input your registration ID to download your official certificate.